Most people like to build their blogs on WordPress, but there are, even today, plenty of BlogSpot users. Unlike experts posts on how to build and run a WordPress blog, there are very few discussions on how to run BlogSpot websites which is why today, here, we are going to talk about some BlogSpot SEO tips that blogger can use to make their blogs better and enable their posts to rank.
Take a look at these and start incorporating these tricks in your blog and you should be able to see a massive difference:
1.Custom Domain
Getting rid of the BlogSpot is the first step towards building an excellent website. Buy yourself a domain name and then set up your blog on BlogSpot. There are plenty of tutorials available for that; we recommend you make the most of it.
2.Post Titles
Now, to make your BlogSpot blog SEO friendly you will need to do good keyword research and keep the primary keyword in the title of the blog. Try to keep the keyword in the front because that where search engine bots start crawling from.
3.Post Images
Make sure that the images that you upload are not too heavy because if they are, they will down down the loading speed of your website. Also write a caption, as well as alt text for every image that you upload.
Related Post:7 Proven SEO Tips To Optimize Your Business Blog
4.Post URL Link
As with the title of the post, in the URL too, you need to place the keyword in the URL and as in the title, here too you will need to put the keyword in the URL. Be sure you change the URL when you change the title of the post.
5.Keyword Density
In BlogSpot websites too, you will need to maintain the keyword density and proximity. If you fill up your post with too many keywords, then that would be considered as spam, and you will never be able to rank anything.
6.Labels and Related Posts
Using proper labels are important. Here labels are equivalent to tags, and if not done properly, you will never see a relevant post. The related post is shown automatically based on the label that you have created. Better do it right if you want BlogSpot to suggest good related posts.
7.Meta Tags
Make sure you are using the primary keyword along with the secondary keyword and LSI in the meta tags. Do not avoid the meta tags because it is crawled by search engine crawlers to know what the post is about.
8.Nofollow External Links
Sometimes you have to give a nofollow signal to block search engines to crawl certain external links in a website. Go to Settings in BlogSpot and then head towards the HTML section after which you will need to add rel=”nofollow” attribute to get the job.
9.Comment Section
You should keep the moderators on for the spam comments. Allow comments only to appear once you have approved them and that way you can erase spammy comments. Sometimes comments contain keywords, make sure you approve those comments because they tend to add up to the overall keyword density of the post.
How are you upgrading your Blogspot posts using these SEO tips, let us know in the comment section below?
sharonpaula08 says
This is really a very good blog post and thanks for sharing it with the community!